CTI-CEM against fake face masks, and fake PPE

Fake face masks and other fake PPE found in the EU.

2020 is unprecedented as the whole world is locked in the battle against the coronavirus. To date (17th April) in the UK there have been 103,093 confirmed cases of coronavirus and 13,729 deaths. Our heroic NHS staff are saving lives, but as they do so they are putting their own lives in danger as there are insufficient supplies of personal protective equipment. There are even some unscrupulous organizations that have been taking advantage of the situation by falsifying certification of protective medical devices, e.g. fake face masks, goggles, gowns, and other PPE. Source: European Safety Federation.

Our team of technical experts are working from home as per the requirements of our government, but this does not affect our ability to operate effectively. We are still able, and happy, to do what we can to help win this battle against the virus:

If you are a manufacturer of face masks, PPE, or other medical devices wishing to put your product onto the EU market we can;
• Identify applicable standards,
• Explain the procedures and requirements of directives, standards, and in particular the difference between the requirements of EU directives and Chinese national regulations EN and GB standards, e.g. EN 14683 and GB 19083. We are specialists in Chinese GB standards
• Arrange testing with accredited laboratories, and in particular those based in China
• Review technical documents to directives
• When needed, identify competent notified bodies and EU authorized representatives for you to achieve the necessary certification status to place your product onto the EU market;
• Provide you with updates on the latest developments of EU requirements, particularly those relating to any recent policy updates.

If you are a government agency, professional organisation, or an importer intending to procure desperately needed PPE/medical devices, we can;
• Confirm the validity and acceptance of conformity evidence provided by the manufacturer/suppliers, in particular those from China.
• Visit the manufacturing sites of your suppliers to confirm the competence and compliance status of your suppliers to applicable standards and/or your specification.
• Act on your behalf and carry out an inspection of the goods you purchased before they leave China for the EU to ensure they are compliant with your order.

If we work together we can effectively fight this virus, and we are confident that we will win the battle.

Stay safe!

CTI-CEM International Ltd

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