Brexit News 7th November

You will likely be aware of the announcement this week that the EU has adopted a decision to extend the deadline for Brexit to 31st January 2020, meaning that the UK will not now leave on Thursday 31st October. The withdrawal can take place earlier – on 1 December 2019 or 1 January 2020, if the withdrawal agreement is ratified by both parties.

This email briefly sets out key considerations for UK Notified Bodies.

Status of Notified Bodies in the EU27

UK Notified Bodies will retain their current status during the extension period. They will not be converted to become UK Approved Bodies unless we leave the EU without a deal on 31 January 2020. Conformity assessment activity undertaken by UK Notified Bodies in relation to EU New Approach legislation and CE marking will continue to be recognised by the EU27 throughout this time.

Certificates of Conformity

Certificates of conformity issued by UK Notified Bodies for relevant products will continue to be recognised by the EU27 during the extension period.

CE Marking

Throughout the extension period, the UK will continue to recognise the CE marking, which should continue to be affixed to relevant goods for placement on the UK market.


As a result of the Brexit extension, the UK Government will not be introducing the UKCA mark on 31st October – during the extension period the UKCA will therefore have no legal status and, where relevant, goods should continue to be CE marked.


UK Notified Bodies will continue to be listed on the EU’s NANDO database during the extension period. The new UK replacement for NANDO will not go live unless we leave without a deal.


Our existing guidance is available at the links below – please note this guidance will only apply in the event of the UK leaving without a deal at the end of the extension period: