Machinery Directive

Notified Body (No. 2845)

Services that we offer as a notified body

CTI-CEM can offer services to approve all products defined in Annex IV of the directive and can help our clients, including manufacturers, importers and exporters,  with conformity assessment services, which are necessary for CE marking the products . These services include:

Type Examination and/or Full Quality Control:
CTI-CEM can provide full EC Type Examination of machinery and issue a certificate confirming that it meets the requirements of the Machinery Directive. This is a requirement if a machine is listed in Annex IV and is not manufactured in accordance with relevant harmonised standards.  It is also available for other machinery where third party certification is desired. An assembly of machines which, in order to achieve the same end, are arranged and controlled so that they function as an integral whole.

Technical File Lodging:
Where harmonised standards are applied in full, the Technical File may be lodged with a Notified Body.  CTI-CEM will acknowledge receipt and provide secure storage until advised by the manufacturer to cease.

Radio Equipment Directive

Notified Body (No. 2845)

Services that we offer as a Notified Body

Technical File Review:
A Technical File is required in order to comply with the RED Directive. We will review your Technical File for conformity to the requirements of the directive and provide recommendations on any areas requiring further action or improvements.

Technical File Lodging:
CTI-CEM will acknowledge receipt and provide secure storage for 10 years after the date of last manufacture.

RED, EMC and LVD Testing Service
CTI-CEM will arrange for equipment to be tested to ensure that it conforms to the requirements of the RED Directive.

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