RAPEX (the EU Rapid Information System for non-food products) is the system which allows EU Member States and the European Commission to share information quickly and efficiently about dangerous products found on the European market and to inform consumers about potential risks to their health and safety. The statistics of RAPEX in 2013 are indicated below:
In 2014, the Commission distributed through the RAPEX system 2,435 notifications on consumer products posing risks to health and safety, which is an increase of 3% compared to 2013 (2,364 notifications).
Total number of notifications: 2003-2014 (Excerpt from RAPEX)

RAPEX Chart 1

Risk Categories

The five most frequently notified risk categories accounted for 83% of all notifications, among which hazardous chemicals being the second highest.

Rapex Chart 2

Notifications of Origin

About 64% of the dangerous products notified in 2014 originated from China (including Hong Kong).

RAPEX Chart 3

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