This article has been taken from our parent company’s website and re-published un-edited.

Recently, a “new rules” made consumers even more exciting voice in the publication, the unqualified product manufacturers not only have to face great pressure from public opinion, there may be layoffs, sale, recalled the pressure or other punishment.

Recently, the AQSIQ issued the national product quality supervision of the certified product manufacturing enterprises work rules after announcement of the 2015 (57th). Announcements: order to supervise the implementation of primary responsibility for product quality, standardize product quality supervision and inspection of substandard products manufacturer post-processing work, enhancing the effectiveness of supervision and inspection work. The new rules will take effect on July 1, 2015.

The new rules in the specification has applies range, and work content and program and related law enforcement sector of permission and responsibility, and on not qualified products production enterprise made has strictly of requirements: not qualified products production enterprise should since received products quality national supervision checks ordered rectification notice of day up, according to not qualified products produced of reasons and Hou processing sector proposed of rectification requirements, developed rectification programme, by following requirements in 30th within completed rectification, and backward processing sector submitted rectification report, proposed review application.

In addition, the manufacturer fails to complete the rectification of the nonconforming product, application for extension of time, and should apply for an extension in the corrective action prior to the expiry of 5th back processing sector review, the extension of no more than 30th. Has not qualified to review, within processing Department shall order the enterprises in the 30th after the rectification; reorganization has not qualified review again after the expiry, should inform the administration of industry and Commerce and other relevant administrative permit authorities revoking licenses.

Meanwhile, serious quality problems in the supervision and checking of products; fails to notice and failed to pass the examination; implementing the administration of production license for industrial products has not qualified to review the product manufacturer, revoked certificate is required; the cases of other violations of laws and regulations, such as the need for law enforcement to investigate, law enforcement should have jurisdiction according to law in the investigation. During the investigation, did not stop review on rectification of enterprises.